
Managers spend a lot of time working with their employees to get them on track, but do they devote enough time for their top performers? And if they don’t, what happens to top performers? Managers need to learn techniques to manage their top performers and keep them on top.

In this workshop, you will learn what constitutes top performance; understand the role of the manager in managing performance; learn a three-step model to manage top performance; review situational leadership.

Learning Outcomes

  • What constitutes a top performer?
  • What do top performers need from you?
  • What skills do you need to manage a top performer?
  • Review feedback, coaching and goal setting
  • Three steps to managing performance
  • Situational Leadership


6 hours


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Steve Lemmex has over 30 years experience in training and consulting, and currently develops and instructs Project Management and Management Skills programs throughout the United States and Canada, as well as in Europe and Asia. He has worked in two North American-wide training organizations, and on contract for several large US-based training companies. He is a certified Myers Briggs Facilitator and a Project Management Professional (PMP).

Steve’s clients have included Fortune 500 companies (IBM, Verizon, Sprint, Symantec, Wells Fargo) as well as large organizations such as Atomic Energy of Canada, the National Research Council, the US Federal Reserve Bank, US Justice Department, Chicago Stock Exchange, and America’s Armed Forces.

Steve holds a Bachelors Degree and a masters in Business Administration.

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