
Times are changing and this workforce now comprises workers from five generations. Managers must meet the challenge of managing the different perspectives and work styles effectively to remain competitive in the industry.

In this course, you will learn to understand the different generations and the influences on them; explore the challenges of generations working together with different styles; and develop strategies to work with each generation and to manage inter-generational conflicts.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course the participant will be able to:
  • Understand the different generations and the influence on their development
  • Explore each generation’s perspective on authority, respect, loyalty, learning, feedback, work life and development
  • Understand the challenges that each generation experiences working with other generations
  • Learn strategies to effectively manage different generations
  • Create development plans for the newest generations in the workforce
  • Develop personal action plans for managing your diversified workforce back at work


6 hours


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Merri Lemmex has over 35 years in the training industry, beginning with the development of technical training programs and expanding to include design, development and delivery of regulatory training and management skills courses. Clients she has taught include Wang, Kyma, Corel Systems, the Canadian Medical Protective Association, Duke University, and neuroLanguage. In addition, she has owned and operated two businesses and is also an experienced manager in the training function and personnel management of large organizations.

Merri holds a Masters in Business Administration degree with a concentration in Project Management from Athabasca University.

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