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Join us on September 10, 2024, for a free online webinar to explore the use of artificial intelligence in the public sector.

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This course is inspired by business cases, based on a number of AI initiatives and their failure from engaging with business decision-makers in the finance, telecommunication, manufacturing and government sectors. The course synthesizes these use cases to create a positive perspective that can be used as a guide for business decision-makers to maximize the chance of success in their AI initiatives. Participants will be exposed to general information about AI (i.e. why, what, how and how much) as well as its uniqueness from both the perspective of business and information technology. Combining this information with various use cases, the course will summarize a set of critical success factors and suggest impactful sponsorships. Participants will then apply this knowledge through a case study that demonstrates how pioneers have made strides forward. Lastly, participants will strategize on how to achieve success with AI and its applications.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
  • Explain what is meant by Artificial Intelligence (“AI” which is more properly called Augmented Intelligence) and how it differs from some perceptions in business and even from some people in the traditional IT support community.
  • Identify business and operation needs that could have a positive impact in executing an AI initiative.
  • Describe early pioneering efforts with AI that apply to your specific needs.


12 hours


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Dominic Lam received his doctoral degree in Condensed Matter Physics from the University of Toronto. During his 14 years in IBM’s advanced computing business, Dr. Lam moved from a technical role to one in business development. Client engagements earned Dr. Lam the credibility required to provide consulting services to senior leaders in many organizations, both public and private sector. In the last 10 years, Dr. Lam’s expertise transitioned from working on high performance computing and data analytics to Artificial Intelligence based solutions. As a visiting scientist providing IT support to researchers at Princess Margaret Cancer Research Centre, he came to understand the uniqueness of AI operations. Then, as business development director in an AI based software start-up Datadex Inc. and later, senior AI consultant at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, he came back to engage business executives to learn and address their challenges in their AI initiatives. Dr. Lam is uniquely positioned to provide insights for business executives on how to be successful in building and executing AI strategies to maximize its benefits to business.


Stephen Perelgut has spent over 40 years working at the leading edge of computing technologies, with over 25 of those years spent at IBM Canada, primarily with the IBM Canada Centre for Advanced Studies before capping his time at IBM by developing a program to train college and university faculty in ways to teach the latest computer-based tools. Following his work at IBM, and a brief time consulting on a related project, he is currently the Program Coordinator for the Sault College Computer Programming program offered through triOS College. During this time, Stephen Perelgut has developed courses to teach different constituencies how to benefit from advances in computing technology.