Leadership Development Program for Communicators

New Event

Join us on September 17, 2024, for a free online webinar exploring the theme of Communicators as Change Makers. This interactive session will provide fresh inspiration in drawing a bigger box for communications professionals.

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If you are a communications professional itching to bust out of the traditional confines of your work and draw a bigger box, this program is for you.

The Leadership Development Program for Communicators is a unique cohort-based program designed specifically to support mid-career communications professionals in leapfrogging to the leadership level.

It is an opportunity to recharge and re-energize through a dynamic mix of immersive in-person sessions, individual coaching, on the job learning and access to world-class tools. Through this supportive and inspiring experience, you will build community with like-minded participants, strengthen your confidence and turbo charge your career.

Prepare to be challenged personally and professionally. The program is a catalyst to reimagine the role of a communications leader, explore opportunities to be an agent of change and an invitation to get out of your own way.

The cherry on top? This is not just a one-shot wonder – the program is intentionally designed to maximize long-term impact and value to your day-to-day work. That is why it includes individual coaching, a follow-up “booster” session and an innovative in-reach to support your team through access to the Results Map® System codifying strategic communications for yourself and your direct reports.

Participants completing the program earn a Leadership Development Program for Communicators Certificate granted by the University of Ottawa Professional Development Institute.

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"The prof was captivating and excellent, relevant and engaged in our work context. She skillfully kept our attention for 3 days, even if this did require a level of effort that could be exhausting." 

- Participant, Transport Canada

"1000% recommend taking classes with the amazing Caroline Kealey. It changed the course of my professional life."

- Rafael Dezordi, Social Media Advisor, Photographer and Videographer at Export Development Canada

"I learned a LOT and took notes that will be useful to my own work, and in supporting my employees and the relationship between our team and our clients. I particularly appreciated all the resources offered, and I plan to consult them (articles, links, book titles)."

- Participant

"The content on leadership and communications was different than other generic courses. Rather than focusing on one technique to “do/act”, we also examined how to remove obstacles that cross our paths and those of the members of our team." 

- Participant

"Caroline Kealey is a dynamic, engaging and insightful teacher and mentor who brings a fresh perspective on communicating in the 21st century. Her enthusiasm is absolutely genuine and entirely infectious - and the results are compelling."

- Zoe Raemer, Director, Corporate Communications, Government of the Northwest Territories

"The course format kept us very active and attentive. We loved the collaborative approach, activities, pertinent discussions, and inspiring questions. The information was revealed like a gift, little by little, because there were too many great ideas to try to absorb/apply all of them at once. A lot of what we learned reminded me of things I learned in the past and forgot to apply daily. Made me reflect on my work, my team, my organization, the service we offer (what is going well and not so well). Gave us a strategic perspective, forcing us to see our work from a different angle."

- Participant, Government of Canada