Financial Intelligence Specialist Program (FIS)

Effective financial intelligence, risk and compliance training forms the cornerstone of any organisation’s governance regime. Basic anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism training covers the fundamentals. Yet recent regulatory settlements have shown that basic training is no longer sufficient and financial institutions require the knowledge and tools to meet banking regulators' expectations and rules. The Financial Intelligence Specialist (FIS) designation provides an online qualification for anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism compliance professionals. The designation is provided jointly by ManchesterCF and the University of Ottawa Professional Development Institute.

Participants will learn a more sophisticated approach to training staff on the latest trends and developments to meet the expectations of supervisory agencies, banking regulators and business stakeholders. Achieving the FIS certification is a career milestone. With thousands of FIS graduates from around the world, the ManchesterCF FIS Spotlight showcases industry professionals who have demonstrated exceptional commitment while achieving their FIS designation.

Partnership with ManchesterCF 

The Institute’s partnership with ManchesterCF offers financial intelligence courses for financial institutions, public-sector agencies and multinational corporations. Based in Toronto, ManchesterCF develops financial intelligence training programs with a global perspective. Their researchers and contributors hold decades of experience in their respected fields. The list of Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) Connect courses are drawn from case studies, regulatory reports and developments in international financial markets.

There are two ways to further your studies in financial intelligence:

Register for the Complete Program

The Financial Intelligence Specialist (FIS) designation from ManchesterCF sets a new standard in the world of financial intelligence. By completing 12 courses available from FIU Connect over a one-year period, participants will obtain a joint uOttawa PDI – ManchesterCF FIS certificate.

Cost for the entire FIS program is $3,800 (plus HST).

A minimum grade of 80% from 12 completed courses is required for accreditation. There are no yearly membership fees, re-certification demands or continuing professional development requirements.

Participants choose 12 courses from the list of 18 courses available on FIU Connect.

Learn More about the Program



Register for Two-course Clusters

Pick and choose two-course clusters. By completing each cluster available from FIU Connect over a two-month period, participants will obtain a joint uOttawa PDI – cluster certificate.

Cost per FIS cluster is $700 (plus HST). If a participant, after having completed one or more clusters, wishes to register to the full program, a discount, equal to the cost of clusters already taken, will be applied to the total cost of the program.

A minimum grade of 80% from each cluster completed is required for accreditation. There are no yearly membership fees, re-certification demands or continuing professional development requirements.

Learn More about the Clusters