CESOC Pitch Competition

The Professional Development Institute (PDI) hosted the CACIA (Communauté d’affaires du CESOC pour l’Incubation et l’Accélération d’entreprise) on January 25, for the second edition of its pitch competition.

The pitch competition was part of the first Salon du Financement des Entrepreneur.e.s Afro-descendants (financing fair for afro-descendant entrepreneurs), a unique and inclusive meeting platform that brings together promising afro-descendant entrepreneurs and committed supporters. The panel discussion brought together successful entrepreneurs and financing institutions to discuss corporate financing myths. It included Garrick Appolon, Program Director of the PDI, Stephane Georges Nana, Manager of Entrepreneurship, Saël Nemorin, Entrepreneur, and Eddy Paul, Manager of Futurepreneur.

In the afternoon, each of the 12 finalists presented their company (at various stages of development) to an audience of experts. Their goal was to receive support, coaching, expertise, partnerships, resources, and a cash prize. Each finalist had 5 minutes to present their company and 5 minutes to answer questions from the judges, before the winners were selected. Members of the panel included Garrick Appolon, Program Director of the PDI, Catia Céméus, Executive Director of RGA, Ezekiel Martin, Desjardins Caisse Accounts Manager, and Eddy Paul, Manager of Futurepreneur.

Congratulations to the five winners: Berwin Sydney of Enprint Shop, El Gibbor Djiki of Twish Technologies, Fritzlande Legrand of Créolement Vôtre, Rosette Badjoko of Le Centre Elikhia, and Stella Oriane Diebou of Oriline Création.