The Accidental Project Manager



6 PDUs

In doing your job you find yourself managing people’s expectations, working on teams, worrying about deadlines, and perhaps trying to manage the costs. If this is you, you are an accidental project manager. You don’t have a background in managing projects, and yet here you are.

Many of us learn by doing, and the more experience we gain, the more effective we will be. But until we gain that experience, we need guidance: a need we ignore at the peril of the project. The consequences of stumbling along can be painful for the project team, the client, and the organization as well as for ourselves.

The good news is that you can achieve success without being an expert in project management. You just need some basic tools and methods along with the confidence to apply them properly. This course gives you the need-to-know for project management success and enables you to start building the toolbox that will simplify the job, increase productivity, and make you a confident project manager.

No prerequisites

This course can provide up to 6 PDUs / contact hours towards attaining or maintaining the Project Management Professional (PMP)® designation. Participants must submit the request to PMI via the Continuing Certification Requirements System (CCRS).

Professional Development Units are allocated according to the number of training hours completed by the student and may be granted by increments of 0.25 PDU for each 15 minutes of training. A participation certificate will be given to students who attend a minimum of 75% of the course.


PMP Certification = Earning Power

The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification brings its holders 20% more in salary than uncertified practitioners.



  • Project primer
  • Determining how long the project will take, what can wait, and who does what
  • What could throw the project off track
  • Solutions to common problems
  • The things to keep an eye on
  • Collaborating
  • Tidying up the loose ends
  • Preventing managing a project from becoming a bigger project than the project itself
  • Career tips for the accidental project manager
  • Project management cheat sheet



  • Professionals who occasionally undertake projects, or parts of projects, and want to ensure that they are on the right track
  • Anyone who wishes to explore the possibility of a career change in which project management might be part of the plan


Delivery Mode

  • Online



6 hours



  • $655 (plus tax)


Featured Instructor

Francine Durivage is a bilingual Performance Enhancement Specialist with over 20 years of experience. She has worked internationally helping organizations and governments redefine and refine their high impact objectives and delivery. Francine holds a MPM (Master of Project Management), an MCOD (Master Certificate in Organizational Development) and a B.A. in Psychology. Her energy and effective leadership enable her to strategically address the needs of today's project manager, sponsor and team members in a practical and engaging way.



Event CodeTitleBegin DateEnd DateTermDelivery Method
P01902405AThe Accidental Project Manager5/22/20245/22/2024SummerOnlineRegister
P01902412AThe Accidental Project Manager12/16/202412/16/2024AutumnIn PersonRegister