
In this course, you will explore the types of intelligence products which agencies produce. You will discuss the relationship between policy, partisanship, oversight, and agencies. Participants will be exposed to products such as estimates, placemats, graphical intelligence summaries (GRINTSUMs), briefing notes and hot briefs in the context of intelligence. Furthermore, you will explore the importance of aligning customer needs and intelligence product preparation and dissemination.

Participants will also be introduced to the concept of “hot brief” presentation and the importance of “Bottom Line Up Front” (BLUF) when presenting. You will learn techniques to improve presentation skills to ensure that information is understood and accepted by intelligence customers.

Participants will focus on the following skills development: reading body language cues; effective body language for persuasive presentations, avoiding “leakage”; public speaking and presence; vocal techniques.

This course is also available for group training, customized and delivered specifically to your team. To know more, please contact us at [email protected]

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
  • Present different types of intelligence products
  • Deliver a hot brief with confidence, accuracy, and speed.
  • Demonstrate proper body language and vocal presentation techniques to maintain an arc of influence.
  • Demonstrate use of BLUF in presentation format
  • Identify the types, strengths, and weaknesses of intelligence collection methods.
  • Distinguish between different intelligence products and their suitability for different customers.


6 hours


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Candyce Kelshall has spent 25 years working in the intelligence space in respect of designing, conceptualizing, and creating curriculum for the professional development and enhancement of intelligence analytic, desk, case, and field officers., she has also written several textbooks on Structured Analytic Techniques for national security. Candyce currently is the President of the Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies Vancouver and an instructor at the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) where she delivers Advanced Structured Analytic Techniques as well as serves as a member of JIBC’s Intelligence Analysis and Tactical Criminal Analysis Committee. She is currently the Vice President of Canadian Intelligence Network- a Canadian practitioner-based association.