
This course examines the psycho-social drivers of betrayal, as well as its external triggers, using case studies. Using a cross-section of traitors, participants will examine the critical pathways to betrayal, discovering the intervention points for prevention and mitigation. The course highlights the organizational predispositions and behaviors that can exacerbate low-risk insider threats. The course also analyses the responsibility of organizational culture and its impact on insider threats.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
  • Understand the damage insider threats pose to public and private sector organizations
  • Identify the intervention points to prevent insider threats
  • Develop mitigation strategies


6 hours


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Daniel M. Stanton served for thirty-two years with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, including twelve years as an Executive Manager in operations. Mr. Stanton had a lengthy career in domestic and international operations. He is the Director of the National Security Program at the University of Ottawa Professional Development Institute. A graduate of Queens University, Mr. Stanton has an Honours B.A. in History and Philosophy.


This was by far the best and most interesting course I've taken in years. The prof was very knowledgeable and provided many great examples that were interesting and relevant.

- Past Participant