
As Winston Churchill said: “When you mix people and power, you get politics.”

Organizations are filled with employees who are trying to succeed. However, simply being a dedicated, hard-working employee is usually not enough. For example, two managers at the same level in an organization may not be equal in terms of their power and influence. One manager may be more influential because he or she is well liked and respected by subordinates and superiors. In addition, he or she may understand the politics of the organization and how to “play the game.” Influence, power and politics are on-going processes in day-to-day organizational life with important implications for organizational performance and employee satisfaction. Leaders must often act politically to gain and hold their powerful leadership positions. Thus, success in the workplace demands that an individual not only be competent in task and functional skills, but also in political skills.

This course introduces you to the powerful role that organizational politics plays in a corporate environment and the conditions under which political activity is most likely to occur. Participants will be able to identify different types of political behaviors, both functional and dysfunctional.

Learning Outcomes

  • Defining Politics, Power, and Influence
  • Influence: The Use of Social Control
  • Power: A Major Force in Organizations
  • Types of Political Behaviors
  • Characteristics of Political Players
  • Political Games
  • Positive Politics
  • Networking – The Softer Side of Politics
  • Playing Politics: Is it ethical?


12 hours

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Wendy E. O’Connor, M.Sc., Ph.D., is a social psychologist, specializing in organizational politics. She founded Executive Spin Inc. in 2002 and since that time, she has been involved in the delivery of executive assessment and leadership coaching. During her career, she enjoyed many roles with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). As a TV producer-director, and a radio/television announcer, she covered many controversial and sensitive stories. This operational experience, coupled with her academic expertise, has strengthened Dr. O’Connor’s skills as a critical and innovative thinker.