Active Motivation


6 PDUs

Motivation is the process that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward the attainment of a goal. Intensity is concerned with how hard a person tries. This is the element most of us focus on when we discuss the topic of motivation. However, unless effort is channeled in a direction that benefits the organization, high intensity is no guarantee of favorable job-related performance outcomes. Quality of effort, therefore, is just as important as intensity of effort. Finally, persistence (how long a person can maintain effort) is equally important. A motivated person stays with a task long enough to achieve his or her goal. Participants in this course will be provided with their motivational profile and with solutions designed to address the most difficult motivational challenges. Participants will also acquire the know-how required to develop a team’s Motivational Profile.

This course is recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI)® and as such will provide 6 PDUs (Professional Development Units) / contact hours towards attaining or maintaining the Project Management Professional (PMP)® designation.

Professional Development Units are allocated according to the number of training hours completed by the student and may be granted by increments of 0.25 PDU for each 15 minutes of training. A participation certificate will be given to students who attend a minimum of 90% of the course.

*PMI is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.



  • Understanding workplace motivation
  • Consider the difference between management and leadership factors
  • Define your individual motivators and personality style through DISC
  • 6 C’s of motivation - consider how other’s style impact work, motivation and team
  • Motivate yourself
  • Understand the need for motivation
  • Review the stages of motivation
  • Broadening your mastery of motivational techniques
  • Motivate with self-confidence
  • Discuss motivational techniques
  • Develop team motivation strategies through engagement
  • Look at the signs of disengagement
  • Solve your “challenges” by looking at the reasons employees underperform
  • Understand the importance of direction, persistence and effort Learn how to create a sense of positive urgency
  • Develop strategies for dealing with low motivation
  • Create your plan for becoming a “motivational manager"



  • Managers who need motivated teams
  • People who must learn to motivate others
  • Anyone who wants to stoke the intensity of their own motivation



6 hours



  • $655 (plus tax)


Featured Instructor

Jeffry Morgan, M.Ed., has spent the last 3 decades running the third largest cultural touring agency world wide and has done business in more than one-third of the world. Jeffry’s keen sense of observation and formal background in teaching make him particularly gifted at expressing leadership and management principles through examples and language that all of us can relate to. He has authored a compendium of management and leadership techniques as well as numerous articles.


I have gained tremendous professional and personal value from this course.


Event CodeTitleBegin DateEnd DateTermDelivery Method
P00032411AActive Motivation11/20/202411/21/2024AutumnOnlineRegister
P00032502AActive Motivation2/25/20252/25/2025WinterIn PersonRegister