
A well-thought-out and constructed PowerPoint presentation can be an extremely effective way of communicating complex information quickly and efficiently to a range of audiences including senior officials and decision makers. Hence, the ability to prepare and deliver effective PowerPoint presentations is a foundation skill for many in both the public and private sectors.

A combination of examples, discussions, and hands-on exercises will be used to assist participants in drafting presentations that are well organized, logical in terms of delivering content and messages, and easy to follow. Templates and checklists for planning, drafting and editing presentations will be reviewed and provided to participants.

Note: this course focuses on the development and organization of content for a PowerPoint presentation and not on the technical capabilities of PowerPoint software.

Learning Outcomes

  • What constitutes an influential PowerPoint presentation?
  • Types of presentations (information, discussion, decision)
  • Planning the presentation: identifying the audience, the intent of the presentation and desired outcome
  • Key components of a presentation: issue summary, background, current status, options/recommendations, considerations, conclusion and next steps
  • Finding the right balance between detail and conciseness
  • Elements of style
  • Key challenges and lessons learned: eliminating unnecessary content, developing messages that resonate, collaborative writing, working with tight deadlines, etc.


6 hours


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Walid Ayoub, B.Com, CPA has designed and delivered workshops for the University of Ottawa Professional Development Institute for over nine years. He has worked for over 17 years in the Federal Public Service in a variety of departments and agencies. Passionate about training, and fluently bilingual, Walid has an outstanding ability to engage his audience while promoting an environment of positive classroom interaction.

A very useful, interesting and practical workshop. I look forward to applying what I have learned.