Our Coaches

Our team of coaches is made up of individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds with work experience in both the public and private sectors. All of our coaches have  a master’s from a recognized university as well as certification from a coaching school accredited by the International Coaching Federation. They offer services in both English and French.

Carole Norton, M.A., PCC, CPCC, is a leadership and organizational development coach with significant management and executive experience across various public sector organizations.  It was Carole’s curiosity in relation to high performance and organizational culture that led her to obtain coaching certifications from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) along with other institutions including the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI). Carole coaches professionals, both individually & in groups, in the areas of leadership and performance effectiveness, emotional intelligence, along with organizational culture including change and conflict management, and communication effectiveness. Carole also instructs and delivers leadership-focused workshops.   She is certified to administer and interpret various psychometric tools (e.g. EQi2.0/360, Lumina Leader/360 & Spark).


Maryse St-Denis, MBA, M. Ed., PCC, is a certified professional coach with a passion for human development and organizational evolution. With nearly 30 years of management and consulting experience, she has led functions and teams and implemented major organizational changes. She works with leaders and professionals who want to be agile, inspired and inspiring, and who aim to create a high-performance culture that also values, mobilizes and engages individuals. Maryse teaches human approaches to management as part of the management course at the École des Sciences de la Gestion and interpersonal communication at Carleton University’s Sprott Business School. She has also led numerous leadership development workshops.


Nikki Clarke, M.A., RP, PCC, is a certified coach through the International Coaching Federation and has experience working in the public and private sector in Canada and internationally. She has provided one-on-one coaching and facilitated workshops for executives, managers and professionals in the areas of leadership, communication, emotional and social intelligence, digital wellness, effective management, navigating transitions and stress management. She is a Certified Digital Wellness Educator through the Digital Wellness Institute and is certified in a number of psychometric assessment tools including Lumina Leader, Lumina Leader 360, EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360. She has presented at both provincial and national conferences.